Yoga Teacher Mentorship

& Individualized Guidance


Yoga Teacher Mentorship & Conditioning:

Finding your voice as a teacher

Developing your personal teaching style

Working on Thematics, Verbal Cueing, voice and Language

Sequencing , Alignment, Touch and Assists

How to Audition

Creating a Music/ Playlist

Kirtan/ Harmonium Basics

Constructive feedback and support

Advancing Your Yoga Practice:

Work on advanced postures and advanced transitions

Learning to connect mind to body for more efficient & safe movement

Working on alignment and increase spinal/ pelvic mobility

Approaching yoga with more mindfulness & finesse to elevate your practice as a whole to connect to it in a more spiritual, meditative manner.

Individualized Yoga Movement for Athletes:

Depending on the goal, this individualized yoga practice will dynamically address the mobility, strength and range of the body for optimal movement yet ensuring safety and security. With catered breath work and yoga based dynamic drills and flows, the body will find balance and equilibrium. Not to mention the mind body connection every athlete needs to better direct their bodies.

Workshops to Advance Skills:

To teachers, teacher trainees or yogi practitioners who want to learn a particular skill, deepen their practice with certain shapes or body movement or build their craft. Some of the workshops include;

The Art of Touch (level I and II)

Back-bending & Heart Openers

Arm balance Workshops

Advanced Transitions & sequencing

The Art of Sequencing

Journey to Headstand

Mobility and Flexibility

This is a chance to HONE in and SHARPEN your SKILLS as a teacher, athlete or a yogi practitioner. You can NEVER STOP LEARNING and enhancing YOUR CRAFT!

To schedule, ask questions or reach out, click below!